Grammar type (only the grammar types with links are implemented!) Output format Comments
lazy BNF/EBNF defined by Backus/Naur/Wirth et al png Discard comments
strict BNF defined by Jim Backus and
Pete Naur for Algol 60
jpeg Print comments
ISO EBNF defined by ISO/IEC 14977 1996(E) and in BSI 6154;
final draft version (SC22/N2249)
W3C-BNF defined in Extensible Markup
Language (XML) 1.0
(Second Edition)
ABNF defined in RFC 2234
YACC/Bison input structure
XBNF defined in Syntax (XBNF)
Tamanho da fonte (pt)
Largura da imagem (pixel)
Altura da imagem (pixel)
Ampliar imagens (fator)

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