Warnier/Orr Basics Warnier/Orr diagrams have 8 fundamental building blocks.
1. Hierarquia
Warnier/Orr Diagrama Sintático - Diagrama de Sintaxe Warnier/Orr Basics Hierarquia
  • Part 1
  • Part 2
  • Part 3
The hierarchy operation breaks things into parts:
The whole consisists of Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3.
2. Sequência
Warnier/Orr Diagrama Sintático - Diagrama de Sintaxe Warnier/Orr Basics Sequência
  1. Task A
  2. Task B
  3. Task C
Sequence orders things:
The whole consisisis of first Task A, followed by Task B, then Task C.
3. Seleção
Warnier/Orr Diagrama Sintático - Diagrama de Sintaxe Warnier/Orr Basics Seleção
| Red
| Green
| Blue.
Selection allows choices:
Color consisists of either Red or Green or Blue.
4. Complemento
Warnier/OrrDiagrama Sintático - Diagrama de Sintaxe Warnier/Orr Basics Complemento
LDCAction Code
| Valid
| NOT Valid
Complement is the logical NOT:
The Action Code is either Valid or NOT Valid.
5. Repetição
Warnier/Orr Diagrama Sintático - Diagrama de Sintaxe Warnier/Orr Basics Repetição
  1. Task A
  2. Task B
  3. Task C
Repetition provides looping:
Job consists of first doing Task A 3 times, followed by 3 to T repetitions of Task B then doing Task C 1 time.
6. Concorrência
Warnier/Orr Diagrama Sintático - Diagrama de Sintaxe Warnier/Orr Basics Concorrência
  • Task A
  • Task B
Concurrency allows things to happen at the same time:
Job consists of Task A and Task B at the same time.
7. Bloco Begin/End
Warnier/Orr Diagrama Sintático - Diagrama de Sintaxe Warnier/Orr Basics Bloco Begin/End
LDC Task
  1. Begin 
    • ...
    • ...
  2. ...
  3. End
    • ...
    • ...
The Begin block performs inicialization and the End block performs termination.
8. Recursão
Warnier/Orr Diagrama Sintático - Diagrama de Sintaxe Warnier/Orr Basics Recursão
LDCProcess item
  1. Step 1 
  2. Process item
  3. Structure B
A recursion process contains itself as a sub-process.
Arquivo origem: WarnierOrr.xml. Diagramas Sintáticos gerados a partir de BNF pelo componente BNF -> Diagrama Sintático.